Danish people know how to do dessert. Why else would the rest of the world call a pastry a “Danish”? And as I realized while browsing Instagram for pics, Danish people also know how to do food photography.  Let me know if you’ve tried any of these and what you thought in the comments!

1. Æbleskiver

Literally “apple slices” which is a total misnomer because these sweet popovers don’t often involve apples. They do, however, involve a generous amount of sweet jam and powdered sugar. They remind me a bit of Dutch poffertjes (pancakes).  Click here or here for a recipe!

https://www.instagram.com/p/Bbu271sjO8Q/ https://www.instagram.com/p/Bbuo5SFBjsO/

2. Wienerbrød

Denmark is so famous for this pastry that most of the world simply calls it a “Danish.” In Denmark it is known as Wienerbrød (“Bread from Vienna”) and in Vienna it is known as Kopenhagener Plunder, which translates to “Pastry from Copenhagen,” so the only logical conclusion is that these pastries are from outer space. Regardless, it would be a shame to go to Denmark and eat a Danish.

3. Rødgrød

Ever had chocolate or vanilla pudding? While why haven’t you had strawberry rhubarb pudding? Fix that. Recipe here.

4. Risalamande

Basically cherry-pie filling, rice pudding, almonds, and whipped cream. How did Americans not think of this? Recipe here. And in case you’re wondering, my understanding is that the difference between Risalamande and Rødgrød is the rice pudding and almonds. I would sub out the heavy whipping cream for whipped cream from the can.  It will taste just as good and ironically would make it a bit healthier, as that stuff tends to be 90% whipped and 10% cream.


5. Hindbærsnitter

Literally translates to “Raspberry Slices.” Figuratively translates to “The Original Pop-Tart.” Recipe here.


6. Koldskål

A cold cream served with cookies and berries in the summer. Basically a deconstructed strawberry ice cream. Recipe here.

TLDR: Berries and Cream